







1、Factual information questions(3-6个/篇)细节题 一般以what/when/which 提问,考察文章中某个细节信息的理解,通常为某一句话 e.g. According to paragraph1, what was true of the Sahara region around 6000 B.C.?



1、Factual information questions(3-6个/篇)细节题 一般以what/when/which 提问,考察文章中某个细节信息的理解,通常为某一句话 e.g. According to paragraph1, what was true of the Sahara region around 6000 B.C.?

2、Negative Factual Information questions(0-2个/篇)排除题 问题里带有 Except,考察细节信息,但是不是某句话,可能是一段,甚至两段中的细节 e.g. All of the following students were true of newly domesticated animals EXCEPT:

3、Inference questions(0-2个/篇)推理题 推理出原文暗含但没有明确陈述的信息 提问方式:What can be inferred from paragraph 4 about the trumpeting of bull elk?

4、Rhetorical Purpose Questions(0-2个/篇)修辞目的题 提问方式:作者为什么提到文章中的某个单词或句子?考察论点与论据的关系,例如提到某个事物可能是为本段的论点提供一个具体的例子。 e.g. Why does the author mention the “rock paintings deep in the Sahara”?

5、Reference Questions (0-2个/篇)指代题 考察代词的指代对象 提问方式:What does the word “it” refer in the paragraph 4?

6、Sentence Simplification questions(1个/篇)简化句子题 考察重点:抓住长难句的核心信息 提问方式: Which of the sentences below best expressed the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage?

7、Vocabulary questions (3-5个/篇)词汇题 e.g. The word “albeit” in the passage is closest in meaning….

8、Insert Text Questions (1个/篇)插入句子题 提问方式:在某一段落中抽出一句话,并将其放回原文合适的位置 考察重点:上下文的连接 e.g. Look at the four squares that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage. This is a question that has puzzled scientists for ages. Where would the sentence best fit? 9、Prose Summary 文章小结题

10、Fill in a Table 完成图表题



1.Gist-Content 考察要点:

考察学生对对话主旨和要点的抓取 提问方式:What are the speakers mainly discussing? What is the main topic of the lecture?

2.Gist-Purpose 考察要点:

概括对话目的 提问方式:Why does the student visit the professor?

3.Details 考察重点:

与主旨相关的详细细节 提问方式:According to the professor, what is one way that X can affect Y? What resulted from the invention of the X?

4.Understanding the Function of What Is Said 考察重点:

对话中某句话的目的,其中会重放该句话 提问方式:What does the professor imply when he says this: (replay)

5.Understanding the Speaker’s Attitude 考察重点:

说话人的态度,包括感受、喜好、确定性等 提问方式:What is the professor’s attitude toward X?

6.Understanding Organization 考察重点:

文章的基本机构,或者两部分内容的关系 提问方式:-How does the professor organize the information that she presents to the class? In the order in which the events occurred -How does the professor clarify the points he makes about Mexico? By comparing Mexico to a neighboring country

7.Connecting Content 考察重点:

考察文章中不同内容直接的关系,因果、对比等 提问方式:What is the likely outcome of doing procedure X before procedure Y?

8.Making Inferences 考察重点:

根据已有信息,得出一个结论 提问方式:What will the student probably do next?


1. Independent question 考察重点:

描述一个人、物、事件、地点 时间要求:15秒准备,45秒描述 提问方式举例: e.g. Choose a teacher you admire and explain why you admire him or her. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.

2. Independent question 考察重点:

在两种情形中做出选择,并说明为什么这样选 时间要求:15秒准备,45秒描述 提问方式举例: Some students study for classes individually. Others study in groups. Which method of studying do you think is better for students and why?

3. Integrated question 考察重点:

阅读一篇校园情形的文章,如校园政策通常75-100字,听力播放两个人关于该话题的讨论 时间要求:30秒准备,60秒描述 提问方式:某个人的观点是什么,为什么反对或赞成该观点 The woman expresses her opinion of the announcement by the university president. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.

4.Integrated question 出题形式:

阅读一篇学术文章,播放一段相关主题的讲座。阅读通常比较概括,听力比较具体 时间要求:30秒准备,60秒描述 提问方式:某个人的观点是什么,为什么反对或赞成该观点 The professor describes the behavior of horses and antelope in herds. explain how their behavior is related to their suitability for domestication.

5.Integrated question 出题形式:听一篇校园情景类对话,关于某一问题,两个人各自有不同意见。提问听力所讨论的问题,你认为哪种解决方案好,理由 时间要求:20秒准备,60秒描述 提问方式: The students discuss two possible solutions to the woman’s problem. Describe the problem. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.

6.Integrated question 出题形式:

听一篇学术类讲座,通常关于某个理论、方法等,根据讲座内容回答学术问题 时间要求:20秒准备,60秒描述 提问方式: Using points and examples from the talk, explain how the automobile and the radio contributed to a common culture in the United States.






时间及字数: 写作时间20分钟,字数150-225

e.g. Summarize the points made in the lecture you just heard, explaining how they cast doubt on points made in the reading.




字数及时间:300字以上 30分钟

e.g. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Always telling the truth is the most important consideration in any relationship. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.