

美国大学本科申请,除了我们熟知的common application (CA)申请系统,还有一种特殊的网申系统,其中最常见的是学校通过自己的官网进行申请,比如University Illinois Urbana Champaign (UIUC)、University Wisconsin-Madison(UW)、the University of California等大学都是采用自己官网上独有的网申系统进行网申。

然而,2015年9月28日,美国80多所高校宣布了一项计划,即共同创建一个新的大学申请系统——联盟申请系统 CAAS,英文全称是the Coalition for Access,Affordability and Success。这一系统意在建立一个提供更多升学机会、让更多学生能够接受大学教育并获得学术成功的申请联盟。该系统致力于为学生提供尽可能是最好的大学教育,而且希望从申请环节就努力做到这一点。


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其中“Coalition-exclusive”学校:the University of Florida, the University of Maryland-College Park, and the University of Washington-Seattle,哈哈!只接受通过CAAS的申请,唯汝独爱!

(说明:小编仔细查看过这3所学校的官网,UF没有找到相关信息, 请核实)


而以下这些 “Coalition-proud” 院校已经将CAAS载入他们的申请网站, 这些学校包括Cal Tech, Colby College, Colgate University, Carleton College, College of William and Mary, Columbia University, Davidson College, Duke University, Johns Hopkins University, Northeastern University, Northwestern University, Pomona College, Rice University, Texas A&M, Union College, University of Chicago, University of South Carolina, UVa, Vanderbilt, and Williams College. 你是我的骄傲,我为你自豪!


Indiana University - Bloomington

Pennsylvania State University

Rutgers University - New Brunswick

State University of New York - Binghamton University

State University of New York - University at Buffalo

State University of New York - College at Geneseo

Texas A&M University

University of Florida

University of Illinois, Urbanna, Champaign

University of Maryland - College Park

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

University of Pittsburgh

University of Washington

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

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Bates College

Brown University*

College of New Jersey*

Colorado College

Connecticut College*

Cornell University*

Dartmouth College*

Denison University*

Florida State University*

Franklin and Marshall*

Franklin Olin College of Engineering

Georgia Institute of Technology

Grinnell College*

Haverford College*

James Madison University*

Miami University OH*

Michigan State University

Middlebury College*|

Mount Holyoke College

Oberlin College

Princeton University

Ramapo College of New Jersey*

Skidmore College*

Smith College*

University of Georgia*

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign*

University of Mary Washington*

University of Michigan*

University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill*|

University of Vermont

Vassar College*

Wesleyan University*

标注*的学校是电话给AO确认过的 (www.examiner.com​)

与此同时,CA也没有闲着,扩大了自己的阵容,the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the University of Indiana-Bloomington, the Baylor University 等48所新的大学加入CA申请系统。


